Adoption Timeline


Adoption Update

Thanks to all our family, friends and community we were able to reach our last financial goal and turn in our agency contract with the payment. A few days ago we received a box from our agency. It is a binder full of everything else we need to do to get on the wait list.
Right now we are finishing up our home study, Jarrod has his interview this evening and then we will be done! But our agency also requires us to do about 20 hours of education before our home study can be turned in. We have a book called "Eyes Open Wide" and another binder of information for us to read. I am thankful for the education because there is obviously so much about adopting a child from Africa that Jarrod and I do NOT know! From what I have read there is alot of things that we have done with our own children that we need to do differently with this child. It is good for us to read it now so we can start making the adjustments with our own children now, instead of when the new baby gets here!

So we have a new goal! The fees that we pay for throughout this adoption are for the MANY people it takes to make this happen.Translating fees, FBI check, fingerprinting, international service fees....
Our new goal is $7200! I need to double check but I believe we have about 3-4 months to raise this money.
We are going to continue to sell T-Shirts throughout the adoption process, and we have some other very EXCITING fundraisers coming up!
Thank you for reading, praying and supporting us we could NOT do this without you!

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